Friday 3 October 2008

Carry-On Regardless

In an attempt to widen my cultural horizons my mother took me, aged 15, on a coach trip to Rome. On arrival our Tour Guide gave us two options for the half hour window we had for a ‘cultural horizon’ photo opportunity. Walk right for 15 minutes and we could photograph The Trevi Fountain OR head left for the same time and we could snap the Spanish Steps. However, not for the faint hearted, there was a third option .... If we ran, we could just about do both in 30mins. But no stopping for a Gelato.

Never say a Brit forgoes a challenge. We ran through those ancient street like marauding Gaols returning proudly, if not a little battle scarred, from photographically conquering Rome. One brave solider had even managed an Ice Cream.

It’s pretty much the same when you have visitors. You want to do and show them everything, even if it means sticking to a schedule that mirrors a battle plan. Here’s a tip in case you have visitors planning an invasion, I mean stay.

Plan adequate loo and snack breaks!

Seriously, you can guarantee when you’ve planned a tight sightseeing timetable some bugger will say “I need a wee” or ‘I’m hungry”. And before you know it, you’ve no time for an open-top bus tour and the battle is lost.

Some interesting facts: The Romans were one of the first known civilizations to have flush toilets. And in 62 AD they also invented ice cream.

They also won many battles!

Aalst U Blieft

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